The Botany Box

The Botany Box is the culmination of 15 years of work. In 2006, Eileen started drawing the flowers that eventually became her Typewriter Aalphabet in 2016. Since then, she has developed 36 lessons with definitions, questions to explore, and journal prompts.

The Botany Box includes: A set of TyAal FLASHCARDS, the botany ART BOOK, a cotton canvas messenger bag, 2 posters, a set of 12 colored pencils, a magnifying loupe (30x and 60x) with LEDs, 36 stickers that correspond to the 36 lesson in the 175 page JOURNAL, which in turn correspond with the 36 video lessons of our online Botany Course.


Typewriter Aalphabet Botany Flashcards

The Typewriter Aalphabet FLASHCARDS were first released in 2020.
After studying botany with her three kids, Eileen realized that a lot of the resources on botany for children were either over-simplified or just plain inaccurate. She set out to write a book using the flower drawings, but in the end decided that flashcards were more useful.

These cards are printed on woven playing card stock, and are perfect for years of use. Young learners can sort and practice their ABCs and 123s. As they get older you can read the botany information on the backs of the cards to them, and then eventually they can read it for themselves.